5.07K viewsFeaturesCampoal 1.9.0

Hello, are somewhere explained the changes in the new version 1.9.0 compared to the previous version?

Thanks and greetings


Conikal Answered question December 15, 2020

Here is changelog on 1.8.9 and 1.9.0

v1.9.0 – Dec 11, 2020
– Added trending topics number options
– Fixed social button on sign success page
– Fixed embed button on single update page
– Fixed security issue base64
– Change thumbnail size

v1.8.9 – Dec 6, 2020
– Added crowdfunding campagins archive page
– Added crowdfunding shortcodes
– Added default sorting option
– Added donation category
– Added shortcode for single petition card
– Added option enable up a fundraise box only for specific petitions
– Added options submenu color
– Optimized code in shortcode
– Fixed embed button on single update page
– Fixed confirm email subject
– Intergrated with ACF allowed add custom field to petition

Conikal Posted new comment March 29, 2021

Thanks for your answer!

One comment: I got an email about you reply here which contains an URL that is not correct because it does not show to this topic here!

Will new features be explained in an updated documentation in nearer future or a special demo?

Thanks and kind greetings

I’ll write new documentation to explain all feature in near future.


is there a place here on your website where one can see the latest version number of Campoal with release date?

Thanks and best regards

Hi there,

You can see the changelog on https://www.conikal.com/campoal/changelog/

Scoll down to buttom of Campoal’s landing page.

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